Order cancellation – Withdrawal – Return of products

You have the right to cancel the order you placed within twenty four (24) hours by sending us an e-mail at with subject “CANCELLATION OF ORDER” and stating the details of the order you wish to cancel.

Upon receipt of your order you have the right to return the product and request a refund, without having to justify the return, within fourteen (14) days (right of withdrawal). The costs for the return are borne by the buyer and the refund is made only if along with the document is sent the legal document of sale (receipt or invoice) and the withdrawal form completed and if the product is in excellent condition.

In case of defective products, the product is sent to us according to the above and when returning the money, the shipping costs borne by the buyer are also credited.

The right of withdrawal is not exercised when products were manufactured according to the specifications of the consumer following a special order or clearly personalized for the specific customer as well as in purchases made in the physical store.