The Chrysma.com (hereinafter the website) is property of the sole proprietorship ELLINAS I VASILEIOS, with the distinctive title “Kosima 60 A”, which head office is locatedat  the entrance of the New Market of Rhodes (VAT: 131021230, REG.NUM : 072976620000 , Tax Office: RHODES, PC: 85131, e-mail:  , Contact phone: +30 6946 391089 ),hereinafter referred to as the owner company.

    Anyone who accesses the above website and the services of the online store is presumed to consent and unconditionally accept all the terms expressed below, without exceptions and accepts that these terms may be modified at any time. In case of non-acceptance of these terms, the use of this website and the online transactions through this online store is prohibited. Placing an order implies that the user accepts all the following terms of use.



    The content of the website, including images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, services provided and in general all the archives of this website, are intellectual property of the owner company and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. For this reason, copying, analogue / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of a productive work or misleading the public on the actual content provider, any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content of this website in any way or for commercial or other purposes are prohibited, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the webmasters or any other copyright holder included. As an exeption the individual storage of a single copy of the content on a simple personal computer for personal and not public or commercial use and without deleting the indication of their origin from this website, without infringing in any way the relevant copyright and industrial property is not prohibited.


    The owner company does not bear any responsibility for damage suffered by the user of the website before, after or during its use, during the execution of transactions, which may be due to theft, violation of laws or of these terms of use. The user of the website assumes responsibility for any damage caused to the website and the owner company by misuse or improper use of the services provided.

    The website includes hyperlinks to other websites, for the transition to which it bears no responsibility both for their content and for their Privacy Policy .

    Every effort has been made to display the products available on the website as accurately as possible by viewing photos, descriptions and specific comments. However, the website may contain errors (typographical, numerical and visual). However, we undertake that the information provided on the website regarding the existence of the essential features that are described on a case-by-case basis for each product available, as well as the information regarding the services provided by our online store, is complete and valid, subject to any technical or typographical errors, which have escaped attention or have occurred unintentionally or due to interruptions of the website due to force majeure. The website does not guarantee the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information that may refer to it.


    In order to make transactions through this online store and to place orders for its products, some of your personal information will be disclosed.

    You will find the detailed privacy policy here


    The website uses “cookies” technology to improve and facilitate your visit to it and its use. You will find the detailed cookie policy here



    We recognize and respect the importance of the security of your Personal Data as well as your electronic transactions. All information related to your personal data and your transactions is secure and confidential. We use the SSL protocol (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt data between network users and web servers. Additional security is provided by the password you give when you register on the website. In order to present any of your personal information, the username and the password must first be given.


    The listed prices of the products include VAT 24% and in order to make purchases through the online store you must register by creating an account and unconditionally accept these terms of use.

    1. i) Account creation / cancellation

    In order to make purchases through our online store but also for easier browsing on the website, you need to create an account by registering on the website. For this registration you must provide some personal information, such as your name, your email address, your username and password, which will be used as described in detail in the Privacy Policy.

    You can update the information declared in your account or delete your account by canceling it any time.

    We reserve the right to terminate unilaterally your account and delete it without prior notice.

    1. ii) Delivering method and charges

    After creating an account and selecting the products you wish to buy, you must choose a shipping option: You can get the product/products either from our store at the Entrance of the New Market in Rhodes, Greece or it/they can be delivered to you at the address you have When placing your order, shipping charges are automatically calculated before placing the order.

    In case the delivery of the product has to be done in an inaccessible area outside the settlement or the approach of the truck of the transport company and becomes difficult or impossible for any reason, the delivery of the products will be done at the offices of the cooperating transporter or to the nearest to the shipping address place (within an organized settlement), otherwise if even these are not possible, the products will be delivered to the customer at an additional charge. In case the delivery address of the products you stated falls into one of the above cases, please contact us at  +30 6946 391089 at the stage of registration of your order or before it.

    iii) Payment methods

    After filling in and checking all the necessary information for your order, you choose one of the following payment methods:

    • Cash on Delivery: You pay upon the delivery of the product. This possibility is provided at an additional cost , charged by the transport company.
    • By credit or debit card
    • By deposit in IBAN GR5301409130913002002012961 account in ALPHA BANK  Bank with beneficiary ELLINAS BASILIOS IOANNI
    • With PayPal

    When paying by credit or debit card, you are transferred to a secure banking environment and our business does not store or process your credit / debit card information.




    1. iv) Order cancellation – Withdrawal – Return of products

    You have the right to cancel the order you placed within twenty four (24) hours by sending us an e-mail at ……………………….. with subject “CANCELLATION OF ORDER” and stating the details of the order you wish to cancel.

    Upon receipt of your order you have the right to return the product and request a refund, without having to justify the return, within fourteen (14) days (right of withdrawal). The costs for the return are borne by the buyer and the refund is made only if along with the document is sent the legal document of sale (receipt or invoice) and the withdrawal form completed and if the product is in excellent condition.

    In case of defective products, the product is sent to us according to the above and when returning the money, the shipping costs borne by the buyer are also credited.

    The right of withdrawal is not exercised when products were manufactured according to the specifications of the consumer following a special order or clearly personalized for the specific customer as well as in purchases made in the physical store.

    1. General Provisions

    If for reasons of force majeure (eg bad weather, strikes, etc.) it is not possible to deliver the products to you within the predetermined time, you will be notified by e-mail, in order to informl us if you wish, in these circumstances, the completion of your order. We take no responsibility for any situation that is beyond its own fault and will do what is humanly possible for your best service.

    We reserve the right to modify or renew, the available products, the sale prices and the terms and conditions of the transactions in general, undertaking the obligation to inform this text for any change or addition.

    We may, in our sole discretion, immediately terminate any agreement with you under these terms at any time by notifying you and / or, if you have a login account, by canceling your membership and access to your account. We may even suspend your ability to use our services without notice at any time, without any liability to you.

    The invalidity or non-enforceability of any provision (in whole or in part) of these terms will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions (in whole or in part). Any provision deemed by a competent court to be invalid or inapplicable shall be deemed to have been deleted from these terms.